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  • We Price Match
  • 100% Money back Guarantee


How do we compare?

RRP Diamond delivers the very best value. We believe we can
make a difference by more carats and less prices.

Comparing Price

1.50 mm round stone in DEF color
and VVS clarity and minimum
very good cut grade.

Natural Diamond Melee ExpressNatural Diamonds K.RosengartNatural Diamonds Brilliance Natural Diamonds
$627.00 $720.00 $1,275.00 $2,840.00

1.50 mm round stone in DEF color
and VS clarity and minimum
very good cut grade.

(Brilliance Price stands for F color and VS clarity)

Natural Diamond Melee ExpressNatural Diamonds K.RosengartNatural Diamonds Brilliance Natural Diamonds
$527.00 $648.00 $965.00 $2,840.00

Prices shown are for round, natural diamonds listed on rrpdiamonds.com for specified characteristics vs. lowest priced round natural diamonds (as noted) listed on competitors’ websites as of July 11, 2022.

So, why is our pricing so amazing?

We have over 41+ years of diamond jewelry experience. We are diamond manufacturers. We believe we can make a difference by giving more carats at less prices.

The diamond jewelry industry is a global business with ethical and environmental impact around the world. The folks at RRP Diamond believe that we, as consumers, have an obligation to consider this impact when purchasing any diamond.

By using 100% sustainable and ethically sourced natural diamonds in all of our product we ensure that your purchase is 100% conflict free giving you the choice to make a difference!

Comparing Sourcing

100% Conflict Free & Ethically Sourced

Natural Diamond Melee Express Natural Diamonds K.RosengartNatural Diamonds Brilliance Natural Diamonds
100% Conflict Free 100% Conflict Free 100% Conflict Free 100% Conflict Free

RRP diamonds are guaranteed conflict free, because our diamonds are purchased from the direct sight holder and are independently verified as natural diamonds so that we can certify that they are guaranteed to not fund conflict. We provide IGI/GIA Certificate for each natural diamond.

Comparing Return Policies

RRP Diamond return windows vs competitors.

Natural Diamond Melee Express Natural Diamonds K.RosengartNatural Diamonds Brilliance Natural Diamonds
7 Days1 Not Specified 7 Days 30 Days

1. Day counting starts once you receive the product.
Return policies as posted as of July 11, 2022.

As we are both diamond manufacturers and sellers it should be noted that we in no way include any extra charges to our final prices, like ‘middle-men fee’. Something which is commonly billed when purchasing from a diamond retailer. With a minimal profit margin we are giving you the best quality diamonds as swiftly as we can, hence we keep a 7-day return policy to ensure maximum efficiency for all our customers.

Many times 3-4 customers end up liking the same diamond/diamond jewelry, if we sell it to someone and they want to return it within 7-days we are then able to sell that diamond to another interested buyer. This helps us maintain the market balance.

Create your own ring

Configure the perfect engagement ring the purest way with our Natural Diamonds.

Start with the ring design that suits your partner the best.

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